style guide
a good image starts with great styling!
Photography is one of the most important elements in an advertising campaign. The imagery is the first and the last thing people remember in an ad. Represent your business or yourself the right way, adding a professional headshot will put confidence into your business and make your clients or potential employers more willing to deal with you. A Professional Headshot sells your personality so make sure it matches your branding. Here are few tips and tricks to achieve a great headeshot.
1.Bring a couple of your favorite tops, Even thou we want to capture your personality remember the main focus is your face not your clothes. I recommend selecting soft neutral solid colors or minimal non distracting patterns. Primary colors are also good but please avoid green, fluorescent/neon and logos or large patterns as these are too distracting.
2. Professional hair and makeup looks amazing on camera and removes the stress of getting ready on your own. Do not do anything too different from what you usually do but definitely something that will make you feel special and confident. Also is proven that makeup increases people’s perceptions of a woman’s likability, her competence and (provided she does not overdo it) her trustworthiness. Professional hair and makeup will give you an extra boost of confidence in front of the camera and it always photographs like a dream. If you’re working with a makeup artist, have her apply your makeup in natural light, if possible, so that it looks fresh and not too heavy.
3.Details matter, the camera lens picks up on every detail so is important to have Ironed clean clothes.
4.Come relax and ready to have fun!
I know this information can be overwhelming so please feel free to call, text or email me if you have any questions, no matter how silly you think they are! 602-772-1346 Karla.